Classic Auctions is Liquidating the Personal Belongings of the Late Col. Eric Murdock, USAF. Col. Murdock has some unique items, from Military Items to Antiques. His father owned and operated Built Right Chair Co. in Statesville, NC. Some of the items are from his Estate including Furniture, Early Documents and Patent Paperwork. Tons of unique, cool items at this sale! Don't Miss Out!!
We are also Selling the Remaining Collection from Dr. Richard Eanni, MD. In 2021 we liquidated the majority of Dr. Eanni's collection. These are some of his favorite items that he had saved. 30 years in the Medical Field of Nephrology gave him the ability to travel the world. Some of these Items were from his travels. This Auction has many unique and cool items! Don't Miss Out, Plan the Day with Classic Auctions! 